Ornament Swap Reveals

I participated in two ornament swaps this year.

For this one I was paired with Amy at Love and Hot Chocolate.

I collect elephants, and she got me this awesome elephant ornament!


For now it’s been added to my collection, since my kittens would likely knock it off the tree and break it. Hopefully I can put it up next year when they’re not so crazy! πŸ™‚


Since there was a $15 limit, I went a little overboard with my gift. I got her purple ornaments because that’s her favorite color. I also made her a Scrabble ornament and threw in some scrapbooking stuff (one of her favorite hobbies), some toys for her cats (she has two like me), and a packet of hot chocolate (because of her blog name!). Check out her post here. And see what everyone else got here!



For this one I was paired with Elizabeth at Lizzi’s Creations.

I love owls and the colors pink and green, so I was super excited when I saw what she had made me!


I made her a card and Scrabble ornament, and also included a red and green ornament since she said her tree was mostly decorated with those colors. You can see her post here! And see what everyone else got here!


Fill in the Blank Friday


1. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by donating or volunteering to help out those less fortunate than you.

2. The holiday season is never stressful for me. I love to shop for presents, wrap them, decorate, cook, bake, plan and go to parties, etc.!

3. When it comes to holiday decorating I like to have a theme. This year it’s blue and silver.

it's not the prettiest tree ever... I let my nephew so his thing since I know my kitties will tear it apart anyway!

it’s not the prettiest tree ever… I let my nephew do his thing since I know my kitties will tear it apart anyway!

4. The thing I look forward to most about the holidays is everything! This year I am really excited about the party my friend Cindy and I are throwing… Santa’s Mustache Bash!

5. My favorite holiday tradition is everyone having dinner and opening presents at my mom’s house Christmas night. But we might break the tradition this year! 😦

6. This year my Christmas plans include visiting my family in Arkansas, Santa’s Mustache Bash, making homemade cards and gifts, making cookies and treats, and at least three family dinners.

7. My favorite holiday foods are macaroni and cheese, ham, and seven-layer salad.


High 5 for Friday


1. Monday I watched Sam, went to Spanish class, and watched the Panthers/Eagles game at Hannah’s while indulging in some chicken wings and beer.

2. Tuesday I got my first tattoo!! It hurt but it only lasted five minutes. πŸ™‚ I love it! (It’s my name in Korean.) Cindy got another one too. Then we celebrated with a late lunch at 12 Bones (where Obama eats when he visits Asheville).





3. Wednesday my mom and I went back to her friend Linda’s house to paint the pottery we sculpted on my birthday. Can’t wait to see how it turns out! Then I went to my first meeting of the Saluda Fire & Rescue Auxiliary. We planned the Christmas party and Christmas donations.


4. Yesterday I did storytime, went shopping, and went to the gym. Last night we decorated our tree. The kitties have been climbing inside it and I estimate that at least a quarter of the ornaments are already on the floor. That’s why we put only unbreakable ornaments up!

my nephew Carter decorating the tree

my nephew Carter decorating the tree



they seriously sleep on me like this!

they seriously sleep on me like this!

see Diesel halfway up the tree??

see Diesel halfway up the tree??

5. I applied for another library job… Wish me luck!


WWW Wednesday

What are you currently reading?
Crossed by Ally Condie and The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.

What did you recently finish reading?
Legend by Marie Lu.

What do you think you’ll read next?
One of these!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. Which do you prefer: Pretty gift wrap with a bow or a pretty gift bag with/without a bow? What percentage of your holiday gifts are currently (as in right this very minute) wrapped in some form or fashion?
I prefer gift bags because they’re prettier and easier but I wrap presents too because bags are expensive. 95% of the gifts I’m giving have been bought and wrapped already!

2. What is one item on your Christmas list this year?
The Magic Mike DVD.

3. What makes a home?
I think of home as wherever I live but “home home” is my childhood house in my hometown!

4. Motown founder Berry Gordy celebrates his birthday today. Are you a fan of the Motown sound? If so, who’s your favorite Motown artist and/or song?
I’m not a huge fan but I do love Marvin Gaye.

5. Red or green: Which one is more prevalent in your closet?

6. True or false: Bacon makes it better? If you answered true, what’s your favorite dish made with bacon?
Sometimes… I don’t care for bacon on burgers but crumbled bacon in dips or other recipes is good.

7. Share a favorite holiday memory.
Two years ago when I came home from Korea just for one week. We had a white Christmas and it was great to see my family.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I got my first tattoo yesterday!! My name in Korean.


Teaser Tuesday

β€’ Grab your current read
β€’ Open to a random page
β€’ Share two β€œteaser” sentences from somewhere on that page

β€œI think my father’s constant fascination with them helped bring about his death. He thought he could be like Sisyphus and turn the Society’s weapons back on them.”
Crossed by Ally Condie


Chats on the Farmhouse Porch

Everyday Ruralty

1. Do you still write letters (snail mail)?
Not usually but I just participated in a Lovely Letters exchange so it was fun to write and receive snail mail from my partner.

2. Do you sing?

3. Did you participate in Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday?
No, I like to get all my shopping done before Thanksgiving.

4. How many guests can you have spend the night at your house? Could Wendell fit?
Maybe two or three… No room for a horse!

5. Have you ever gone fishing?
Many times with my dad.


Monday Quiz About Me

Acting Balanced

1. Do you decorate outdoors for the holidays?
Not usually, maybe one or two small decorations.

2. What is the best thing about office Christmas parties?
I just like Christmas parties in general… Food, drinks, presents, games, conversation.

3. Gloves or mittens?
Gloves… Mittens might be cute but they’re annoying!

4. What do you think of Secret Santas?
Love it!

Bonus question for blog hoppers to answer:

5. Do you have any tattoos? I’m getting my first one tomorrow!