Throwback Thursday

On this day last year, I was in Luang Prabang, Laos! It was a lovely solo trip as part of a five week backpacking excursion around Asia. It is a beautiful, peaceful mountain town with great (and cheap) food, shopping, and massages! I also visited Kuang Si Falls and Pak Ou Caves and stayed in a lovely riverside bungalow at Thongbay Guesthouse.



Writer’s Workshop


My Week In Instagram Photos!

Stumbled upon some graffiti my stepsister did years ago

Stumbled upon some graffiti my stepsister did years ago

Photo shoot with Hayden

Photo shoot with Hayden





Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival

Americana Burlesque & Sideshow Festival with Cindy

Lunch at Kathmandu Cafe

Lunch at Kathmandu Cafe

LaZoom Beer Week Comedy Tour

LaZoom Beer Week Comedy Tour

Free beer!

Free beer!

Reading with Klay

Reading with Klay

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

Lake Sheila

Lake Sheila



Pearson's Falls

Pearson’s Falls


We Want to Know Wednesday

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1. If we met up for coffee what would we talk about?
Well I wouldn’t be drinking coffee; yuck! I’d probably blab on about my new job as a children’s librarian, complain about taking summer classes, tell some funny (probably only to me) stories about my cats, and reveal how nerdily excited I am about going to a Khaled Hosseini book signing in two weeks.

2. What is one great thing that has happened to you this month?
I visited Chicago! It was awesome.


3. Where is the last place you went?
I went to Pearson’s Falls this afternoon… I am going to be leading a hike there as a Summer Reading Program event and wanted to check it out!


4. If you could meet up with one or two bloggers who would they be?
Kristi from Pineapples and Sunshine because she was my first blog swap partner and has been great about keeping in touch. And Beth from Living A Goddess Life is a great blogging buddy as well.

5. What are your pet peeves?
Too many to name… The first one that comes to me is how my mom leaves used tissues around the house. And dirty hand towels in the kitchen. Gross!


Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What question do you often ask yourself?
I don’t know… Sometimes I question my laziness/procrastinating nature or I think about my future.

2. Do you grow roses? What’s your favorite color of rose? Ever been given a dozen roses? Where was the prettiest rose or rose garden you remember seeing?
I do not grow anything; I can’t even keep a cactus alive. Roses aren’t my favorite flower and I don’t have a favorite color of rose or remember seeing a spectacular one. I have been given a dozen roses before and of course I loved them. (Even if they’re not my favorite they’re still pretty!)

3. Do you read the freshness dates on grocery store products? Will you use eggs past their ‘use by’ date? Take medication that’s expired? Buy a dented can?
I do look at the dates because I want to buy the product that is the freshest. But I will still eat most things past the expiration date as long as the seem/smell OK!

4. Should athletes be role models?
Regardless of whether they should be, they usually are and that’s something that goes along with the profession. Just like celebrities shouldn’t complain about their lack of privacy. It comes with the job and is one of the drawbacks of being rich and famous.

5. Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal became the first explorers to reach the top of Mt. Everest on this date (May 29) back in 1953. What’s something you hope to achieve in your lifetime?
I would love to go to Mt. Everest base camp! And many other places in the world… Traveling everywhere is my main lifetime goal.

6. What would you do if you had twenty acres of land and the money to develop it any way you choose?
I would create some kind of animal shelter/sanctuary. I love animals and it would be great to have that much land and money to provide to animals in need.

7. If I invite you to a party with a 7pm start time, what time will I actually see you there?
Depends on different factors: Is it a dinner party? Am I coming by myself or with a friend? Usually I will be on time but if I’m late it’s usually on purpose to avoid social awkwardness. 🙂

8. Insert your own random thought here.
The list of books I want to read this summer is growing ridiculously long. What’s one book you hope to read soon?